Monday, January 10, 2011

Observation - PodCast

Astronomy with the Unaided Eye (Summer Part)

Milky Way Galaxy: The Milky Way, our galaxy, is visible as arches or bands in the night sky. In addition, within these bands are dust fields that can be viewed easily in dark conditions. In the Southern hemisphere its easier to see the dust fields. As with most objects in the night, the closer to midnight it gets the better viewing most of the time. 

Andromeda Galaxy: Appears as a fuzzy spot about the size of a finger nail in the sky. In the Northern Hemisphere it is the only galaxy that is viewable with the naked eye almost all the time. Andromeda Galaxy is in the constellation of Pegasus. 

M13: Globular Cluster our of the disk of our galaxy. It is a cluster of really old stars within the constellation of Hercules. 

Summer Triangle: Made of three different stars (Altair, Deneb, and Vega). Three brightest stars in the summer night sky. 

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