Obervations - Summer / Fall

Geminid Meteor Shower

On Monday, December 13th I watched an incredible show as meteors were falling from the sky. This was the first meteor shower I had ever seen so I didn't know what to expect. Overall, it was pretty neat as I saw seven meteors fall to the Earth. 

                                           Full Moon with Jupiter Below

Tonight the Moon was completely full; along with Jupiter nearly full just beneath it. They were both in the East at about 10:30. It was truly an amazing site, additionally while gazing I saw a shooting star that made it all the better.  

                              Jupiter in Opposition with Four Moons Visible

Tonight I went to the out of class observation at Turtle Beach with some other classmates and Mr. Percival. We saw numerous constellations such as Scorpius (and by extension Antares), Sagittarius, Scutum, Aquila, Corona Borealis, Hercules, Ophiuchus, and Vulpecula. In addition, I saw many M objects, the Summer Triangle, the Ecliptic, and the Keystone. 

The most awe inspiring sight was Jupiter because it was in opposition and very close to Earth. The above picture is a zoomed in area of what I saw tonight. Two moons were visible to either side of the planet and about one degree above Jupiter was Uranus, which was also in opposition. The Moon shined brightly above both of these planets as a Waxing Gibbous; very close to a full moon.