Thursday, December 16, 2010


Geminid Meteor Shower

On Monday, December 13th I watched an incredible show as meteors were falling from the sky. This was the first meteor shower I had ever seen so I didn't know what to expect. Overall, it was pretty neat as I saw seven meteors fall to the Earth. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

APOD 2.5

Mono Lake - Strange Microbes

Mono Lake has become even more well known now that scientists have discovered that the GFAJ-1 Microbe can not only tolerate arsenic rich areas, but actually use it as a replacement for phosphorus. Up until now scientists thought that only organic molecules based off phosphorus could support life. This just goes to show that we have much more to learn about not only our own planet, but the cosmos as well. Who knows, extraterrestrial life could be closer than previously thought.  

APOD 2.4

Double Cluster 

This image contains the Double Cluster from the constellation Perseus. Its a star forming region that is nearly 7,000 ly away from Earth. This object is actually viewable with the necked eye or binoculars. In addition, its also  circumpolar so it can be viewed every night all year.

Site: Picture from APOD